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What Are Some Signs You Might Need Dentures?

 Here are some signs you might need dentures according to what dentists say.

Dentures are not restricted by age. They are used specifically in case of poor oral habits or when you are suffering from decay. We might think dentures are rare, but in fact, they are much more common.

While most people might be using them to eat or chew properly, some only use them for aesthetic purposes. If people have good oral health practices, they can avoid having dentures in the future.

However, you might be experiencing some teeth and gums issues and are wondering if you will eventually need dentures. Do note that some of these can still be addressed with other dental procedures.

Here are few signs which will prove that you might need to have dentures

1. You do not visit your dentist regularly

  • Some people have the habit of getting their teeth checked regularly by their dentist, while some don’t. Regular checkups help you to identify any disease or tooth decay way before. Very few people take dentist visitations seriously and are keen ongoing.

Ideally, you should be visiting your dentist twice a year, so that he can check up on your teeth. They can identify and treat problems at an earlier stage and prevent it from progressing further.

2. Having bleeding or swollen gums

  • If you have inflammation in your gums, they can indicate any underlying common periodontal disease. These diseases are one of the main reasons for early tooth loss. If detected at an earlier stage, these diseases can be prevented and cured. A simple cleaning and better oral care will prevent any disease from growing further. Making dentures can be easily avoidable.

3. Shifting or Loose Teeth

  • If your teeth are moving around a lot, or simply have wider gaps that can also lead to having dentures. These gaps are a sign of gum disease that may have progressed and sometimes they need to be removed. In such cases, dentures are essential.

4. Having a toothache

  • A common and recurring toothache might be a sign of gum damage. It means that your teeth may have decayed so much, that the nerve is being attacked too.

In the early stages, a filling can treat it. However, if it has gone far then it is difficult to save your teeth. You might need to replace some or a lot of teeth with dentures.

5. Having Gastrointestinal Disease

  • Young people with indigestion are prone to tooth damage. Simply, the strong acid in your stomach might come up to your esophagus. You might also not be able to chew your food, due to which your food is not going to break down. This might be hard on the stomach and cause pain, bloating, and indigestion.

6. Unable to Chew Properly

  • If your teeth are unable to do their basic function, then they are of no use. Sometimes missing teeth, gum disease, or cavities might make it extremely hard for you to eat or chew your food. This can lead to a variety of poor health.

7. Having low confidence

  • Missing teeth or having crooked teeth can make you more conscious. Some patients get dentures in early age just because they need to improve the aesthetic appeal. Having proper teeth helps boost your confidence and allow you to smile freely.


No matter what the reason is, if you are losing your teeth you can easily use dentures to get them replaced. If you take care of your permanent teeth, and regularly get them examined by dentists at Celebrity Smiles and General Dentistry. Teeth are vital, and they also need attention and care.

What are some signs you may need dental implants?

Dentists reveal the signs you may need dental implants.

If you have lost one or a number teeth, you will face a lot of difficulties and challenges. Not only does tooth loss cause hindrance in your eating habits, but it also affects your physical appearance. Moreover, if you lose some teeth, the jaw can sink and cause more pain. To address these problems, many turn to dental implants due to their cosmetic appeal.

Modern dentistry has formulated the use of dental implants in patients of all ages. However, it is relatively more common in older patients. If you are someone with missing teeth but do not know whether suitable for getting implants or not, read the following signs to know.

Common Signs that You Need a Dental Implant

1. Having Missing or Crooked Teeth

  • Sometimes due to an accident, any gum disease, negligence, or several other possible reasons, your teeth may fall out or get severely damaged. You will face challenges in how you talk, eat and look. Dental implants offer you a more natural solution to replace those damaged teeth.

2. If You Are Not Satisfied With Dentures

  • Dentures provide a whole set of teeth that you can easily apply and remove. Sometimes they might not fix in your jaw correctly, or maybe you are not getting used to them.  Implants are not temporary like dentures, and they are appropriately fixed with your jawbone. It is essential to know the facts of both implants and dentures and choose one which suits you best.

3. Having Tooth Infection

If you have any underlying gum or periodontal disease, you might be experiencing some infection. This infection will also recur and may become more severe with time.

  • If the infection has completely ruined your tooth, you can easily replace it with an implant. This implant will reduce the discomfort and the pain and will also improve your oral health. Infections need to be addressed in a timely manner so that they do not spread in your oral cavity further.

4. Your Jawbone is Being Affected

  • If you have had missing teeth for a long time, your jaws will sink in due to loss of bone mass. Due to this, the whole structure of your face changes dramatically. It is vital to add implants as early as possible to prevent further damage. Getting implants early will, in fact, help your jawbone to strengthen and not destroyed further.

5. If you are looking for a long-term solution

  • Sometimes you want to get a solution that lasts for a long time. Spending money and visiting a dentist can cause a lot of strain for the patient. Due to this, they want to get a solution that will be worth their time and money. An implant is not going to be just that. With a healthy oral routine at home, they can quickly increase the longevity of their dental implants.


  • Dental implants are no doubt one of the best solutions that modern dentistry has to offer. Missing or badly damaged teeth can all be fixed by it. Combined with regular checkups and a healthy oral hygiene routine at home, they can also be last for a very long time.

A significant advantage is that they look closest to what their natural teeth look like. It also helps them to eat, walk, talk and look better. In patients, it has helped in gaining back the confidence to smile.

However, you must take care of your oral hygiene and general health to ensure their effectiveness. To learn more or to book an appointment, get in touch with Celebrity Smiles and General Dentistry.

Is 40 The Right Age For Getting Dentures?

Are you 40 and in need of dentures? Is getting dentures at 40 right age? All your questions answered here

Tooth loss is something that can happen to anyone, regardless of their age. No matter what the reason is, having no teeth can be quite challenging. According to a study, there is no right age for dentures.

It depends on a variety of factors and can vary from person to person. Tooth loss can happen at any age and due to many reasons. If you are at an age where you can’t have any replacement, it can be difficult living without them. If you can take care of your diet and oral health properly, only then you can have the right dentures which can last for a long time.

According to a survey, about 69% of people between the ages of 35-44 may have lost one or two teeth. About 26% of adults around the age of 70+ may have lost a lot of teeth.

If you are younger than 40, you may be losing teeth due to any underlying disease or any other abnormality. Sometimes, gastrointestinal reflux can also cause acid to come into the mouth and cause tooth decay.

Whatever the issue is, dentures offer a permanent solution to everyday pain. After the initial treatment, patients can eat to their preference.

Getting Dentures at 40 Years

  • If you are aged 40  or younger, you might be too conscious about your look and appearance. After getting your dentures, your dentist can offer treatments to help you. Before removing teeth, the dentist will wait and see your jaw size to fit any permanent denture in. During this time, patients can use dentures temporarily.

After permanent fitting, the gums might take some time to adjust accordingly. They might visit the dentist to get regular checkups. Some people who are conscious of how the dentures may appear on their jaw will get confused.

  • Sometimes the dentures in the lower jaw may not be appropriately fixed due to the placement of the tongue. Due to this, they might need to be supported by implants. These implants enable them to stay in one position. These implants remain in the jawbone to ensure dentures remain in place.

Adjusting to Dentures

  • At 40 years of age, you might feel a little uncomfortable while adjusting to the dentures. You will not be able to eat or speak properly in the initial days. Sometimes the dentures may be loose and not fixed properly due to moisture caused by the saliva. With some time, these effects will vanish.

Trying to adjust to dentures might take some time. With time, you will be able to speak correctly and practice your face muscles. Initially, you will need to have softer foods to ensure you can eat. As soon as you can chew, you can go back to your regular diet.

  • Caring for dentures is easy and quite like how we take care of your regular teeth. You need to use softer brushes and clean them every day. You should also use a specific toothpaste or mouthwash to clean them properly.


  • Medical science has made it easy for people to get the same confidence by using dentures. An adequately fixed denture allows you to eat and smile properly. It also relieves you from the pain and worry of tooth decay.

After some time, you will be able to eat, chew and speak as you used to before. If taken proper care of, you can easily make your dentures last for a long time. Check out the all information about Is getting dentures at 40 The Right, by this blog. Book an appointment with Celebrity Smiles and General Dentistry today, to solve all your teeth problems.

Losing teeth at 40? Dental Implants Are The Right Way To Go

Losing teeth at 40 doesn’t mean that you have to live with lost teeth. Here’s the perfect solution.

When it comes to losing your teeth at 40, you suffer a lot. Not only will it cause a lot of issues while chewing hard food or eating, but also while speaking. You will have low confidence as you will not smile or talk without being conscious about your teeth. All these factors can make it difficult for you to live the way you used to. Dental implants offer a comfortable and pain-free solution for you to overcome this all.

As compared to other solutions available, dental implants have a high success rate. The reason for this is that an implant is attached directly to your natural bone and sits there well. Even if you have a small part of bone left,  dental implants can be attached to it with ease. However, if you don’t, your dentist will still be able to give you an implant.

Treatment Plans

  • Depending on your required results, the treatment plan will vary. Younger patients might not have lost many teeth, and they might just be looking for a natural look. Older people will be less worried about aesthetics and more about functionality.

They would want to have implants so that they can quickly eat and chew food. In cases where aesthetics is not so important, tissue grafting will not be required.

  • An alternative to dental implants is a mini implant. It is smaller in size and can be used to support the implants. These implants offer more tissue and bone management. In cases where functionality is essential, these mini-implants can be used.

After an examination, your dentist would be able to tell you which treatment plant would suit your teeth best.

A Great Option for Missing Teeth

  • Modern dentistry has enabled us to get dental implants and enjoy their benefits. People who have suffered for a long time without having teeth can finally enjoy them. Previously, a natural tooth bridge was used. These were used by doing some work on the adjacent teeth, making them more susceptible to damage.

Compared to that, dental implants do not damage your existing teeth.  Dental implants also stop further bone loss from happening. From the pressure, the jaw bone is stimulated. In this way, it helps the jawbone to heal better.

  • If you do not get implants, then the missing teeth cause your cheeks to sink in. These can also ruin your face shape and make it look more hollowed and thinner. Thus, it is vital for aesthetics to have your teeth perfectly aligned.

Dental Implants Vs Dentures

  • Dentures are also a way to fix your missing teeth. As compared to implants, dentures are not fixed and can be removed. It might be challenging to eat or speak with dentures and may take some time to adjust.

Dental implants are more fixed and secured. Not only do they offer standard functionality, but also look a lot better aesthetically. With proper care and regular checkups, dental implants can last for a long time.


If you have lost teeth at 40 due to an accident or gum disease, do not worry. Science has made it possible to get implants so that you can eat, chew, talk, and smile with confidence. Not only that, they offer a long-term solution if taken care of properly. So, invest in dental implants. Get in touch with Celebrity Smiles and General Dentistry to solve all your tooth problems.

Is 40 The Right Age For Dental Implants?

Age may impact dental procedures, but is 40 the right age for dental implants?

Dental implants are placed to replace any missing teeth, specifically in adults. This loss of teeth could be due to various factors, such as age, any injury, congenital disease, or others. No matter what reason led up to this, implants can be easily added to provide relief and not disturb the natural aesthetic.

Before a dental implant is placed in the patients’ mouth, it is important to consider age and oral health. Although age may not have a significant role, oral health is extremely vital to be assessed. If a patient has poor health, it might not be feasible to place implants. In such cases, patients are thoroughly advised to keep up their oral health.

Now comes the big question:

Is There Any Minimum Age Limit to Have Dental implants?

In reality, dental implants are only placed when the jaw is fully matured. If implants are done before puberty, they can interfere with bone development, and not only they will cause problems but won’t be that durable.

  • Due to this, there could be more risk of spaces between teeth. There could also be some sort of bone loss. Patients may have even developed an over or underbite. All of this is not just bad for the functioning of teeth, but also the aesthetics.

The growth of the jaw may continue up to 20 years in some cases. Therefore, candidates who haven’t achieved puberty or are under 18 years of age are not advised to get dental implants. It is vital to achieving skeletal maturity prior to getting any sort of dental implants.

Losing Teeth at 40 Years – Is Dental Implant The Right Answer?

Candidates being 40 years old or more have usually achieved the much-needed maturity. They might be considering dental implants due to accident, disease, or other factors causing loss of teeth. At this age, the underlying factor must be considered first. Due to the accidental impact, one or many teeth may fall out.

  • Other causes can be damage due to sports. Often if a mouth guard is not used, it can lead to losing teeth during sports. You may also be losing teeth at 40, due to poor oral health.

This leads to premature tooth decay. Poor diet and health and smoking may cause premature loss of teeth. There are many causes that can lead to losing teeth at 40. No matter what reason, you can easily get them replaced due to the latest scientific advancements.

Facts to Know Before Implants

If you have healthy oral health and no gum related problems, then you are an excellent candidate for dental implants regardless of your age. If you are a heavy smoker, it can affect the healing process and is not acceptable in long term. It can also affect the bone, which is forming around the gum, due to which the healing is reduced.

  • Other than that, there are other factors important too. For example, diabetes, cancer, weak immune system or blood clotting diseases. All of these can lead to a hindrance in getting implants. They can also cause the healing to slow down, or even stop it altogether.

Final Note on the Right Age for Dental Implants

  • Before you get a dental implant, it is essential to get yourself thoroughly examined. Your age is not the only factor but other factors are also important to know. Certain diseases or the use of drugs can cause an issue.

Just like any other implants, there is no guarantee for the whole life. However, with proper care, maintaining oral health, and regular checkups, one can improve healing. Not only that, you will be able to retain them for a longer time. Get in touch with Celebrity Smiles and General Dentistry in Westmont, IL to get your consultation today.

What is the Best Solution for Missing and Broken Teeth for People Aged 40?

Can’t find the best solution for missing and broken teeth for people aged 40? Our dentists discuss below.

It is said that a smile is a curve that sets everything straight, and wouldn’t you agree with that? The smile is the most beautiful feature of a person and when one has a remarkable smile then one also has confidence.

As a person starts to age, they become more conscious of how they look and how to achieve a more youthful appearance; missing and misshapen teeth will do the opposite.

It is a known fact that as you grow older, your teeth start to fall out which shows signs of aging and so regular visits to the dentist start to occur. A common practice is fixing up the missing teeth but what are the different ways in which this can be done?

Different Ways to Replace Teeth

When there is a tooth missing at the very back of the mouth such as the molars, it causes strain to occur on the other teeth in the same arch because they have to compensate for the missing tooth. This increases pressure on the other teeth in the arch can damage them and cause dents to occur on their surfaces (proximal and occlusal ones).

  • Furthermore, when any front teeth are missing that is simply a problem of aesthetics. No one likes walking around and smiling when there is a huge gap in the front of their mouth.

The different ways to return the teeth to their normal state are…

  • Dentures – It is a plastic appliance that can simply be removed and placed back into the mouth as you would do with retainers; there are two types of dentures.
  • Complete Dentures – These are for when almost all the teeth are missing, so a few more are removed and when the gum has healed then the denture is placed in. It is common especially in old-aged people but is also not the most comfortable solution.
  • Partial Dentures – These are for when few teeth are missing and can replace them with fake ones while keeping the other teeth in their positions firmly.
  • Bridges – This works for when there are one to two missing teeth. The adjacent teeth around the missing tooth are prepared by being reduced in size so that the bridge can fit in easily.

The bridge consists of prepared crowns that replace all three teeth in a row (one missing, two adjacent teeth altered). Although this method is low in cost, in about 70 to 80% of people these dentures come out after 10/12 years.

  • Implants – These are titanium roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone of the patient’s mouth, and are allowed to fuse with it. Although this procedure sounds painful, it is quite simple and is now the modern and main prosthetic procedure used to replace missing teeth. It also has a success rate of about 96 to 98%, because unlike the other two; implants mimic a natural tooth better.

Implants may cost the most out of the three options available, but they also last the longest and provide comfort like no other.


For most people, it is essential to have a winning smile and a full set of teeth to go hand in hand with that. All options for replacing teeth lost or broken have their advantages but the one that suits the patient’s comfort level should always be chosen above all else.

Comfort is key and so it is important to choose what looks best and what feels best. There are many dental clinics at Westmont, IL that ensure that a patient is left with a youthful smile even at the age of 40.

Celebrity Smiles and General Dentistry, in Westmont, IL provides you with the right consultancy and perfect dental treatments.

Dental Implants vs Dentures for 40 plus – Which is the Better Option?

Dental implants vs dentures for 40 plus individuals – Which is the safest and most popular option?

According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, about 69% of adults aged 35 to 44 have lost at least one of their permanent teeth for various reasons, i.e., tooth decay or an accident. If you are also suffering from tooth loss, your dentist might have offered you two options to get a beautiful smile back, i.e. dental implant or dentures.

Both of these options have their benefits and drawbacks. However, for people aged above 40, these dental accessories become crucial if they wish to restore normal mouth functions. So without further ado, let us figure out which option is the best suited for you.

Dental Implants for Seniors

Dental implants involve adding a new tooth inside your jaw which is made of biocompatible titanium. The process is completely painless and very long-lasting.

Let’s take a more in-depth look at the pros and cons of Dental Implants for Seniors:


  • They Prevent Bone Loss – When you lose a tooth, the bone mass slowly deteriorates around the lost tooth. Getting an implant stops that bone loss, which prevents future teeth losses.
  • They Look Natural – Dental implants look natural as they are tailored precisely to match your tooth’s size and color.
  • Gives a Perfect Bite – These implants work as a tooth as well, giving you the perfect bite every time.
  • No need for Adhesives – No glue or adhesive is required to keep the implant in place.
  • They are Permanent  – No need for frequent visits to the dentist; once the implant is in, there is no coming back.


  • Not Possible on Weak Gums – If you have weak gums, then this procedure cannot be performed.
  • Slight Swelling and Pain – As this is an invasive dental procedure, you can expect some swelling and little discomfort.
  • Bleeding – Slight bleeding is expected for 24 to 48 hours. There will only be a few drops or minor spotting, nothing serious.

Dentures for Seniors

You might be familiar with dentures from movies and cartoons. They are replacements for missing teeth and surrounding tissues that can be removed anytime.

There are two main types of dentures :

  1. Partial Dentures – They are used when only a few teeth have been lost.
  2. Complete Dentures – They are used when all the teeth are missing.

So now that you are familiar with dentures, let us dig deeper into the pros and cons of it:


  • Aesthetically Pleasing – Dentures are very pleasing as they cover the complete infected area and look beautiful throughout.
  • Applied on Weak Gums – Dentures can be used on weak gums without any discomfort and bleeding.
  • Easy to Maintain – Dentures are very easy to maintain and can be washed effortlessly.
  • Less Expensive – Dentures are budget and pocket-friendly, making them a good choice for the elderly on a tight budget.
  • Easy to Modify – In case of teeth loss in the future, dentures are very easy to modify.


  • Tend to Wear out – You might need to replace them after some while.
  • Increased Risk of Gum Disease – Food can easily be trapped between the gum and the dentures, which can cause infection.
  • Need Adhesives – Some dentures require adhesives, which can make the process quite messy.


Both procedures are excellent for people aged above 40, but if you have healthy gum and only one or two teeth are missing, opt for dental implants. If your gums are weak and cannot withhold the dental implant or almost all of your teeth are lost, dentures are a viable option.

Celebrities Smiles and General Dentistry performs these procedures to restore your confidence; select that suits you the best. They are located in Westmont, IL.

Why Do People Above The Age of 40 Need Dentures?

Do individuals above the age of 40 need dentures? Dentists in Westmont weigh in

Aging is a natural and irreversible process. Aging leads to multiple undesirable changes such as loss of the teeth. Poor oral health and hygiene and a genetic predisposition to tooth loss are some factors that accelerate this process.

Teeth are an important part of the digestive system and the loss of one or more teeth impacts the entire body. The food is digested poorly, as a result of which you face gastrointestinal issues.

To substitute loss teeth, dentures have come into action. A denture is an adjustable and removable substitute for lost teeth and gums. They are also known as false teeth. Dentures are of two types:

Your dentist will determine the type of dentures you will need depending on the extent of teeth damage and condition of your gums. Dentures are mostly needed by people who are above the age of 40. Let us take a look at some of the common reasons why people above this age need dentures.

Loss of Natural Teeth

  • Dentures act as substitutes for lost teeth. Teeth may be lost due to injuries. However, in most cases, tooth loss occurs due to poor oral hygiene. Untreated and undetected dental decay can result in the weakening of tooth structure and its gradual loss.

In any event, losing teeth gives rise to a plethora of problems such as deterioration of jaw bone and dentures are there to fix these problems.

Issues in Chewing and Speaking

  • This is related to the previous point. If a couple of teeth are missing then you will find it difficult to chew, speak, and smile properly. This is where dentures come to action. They will save you from the troubles of improper speaking, chewing, and the embarrassment of flashing a half-tooth smile.

Speech pronouncement can be particularly embarrassing if your front teeth are missing. Dentures bring back to life all the important oral functions such as talking and chewing.

Changing Facial Contour

  • The structure of your face can change drastically if some of your teeth are missing or they are not fully developed. Because the teeth structure is not in place to hold them, facial muscles start to sag and droop. As a result, the face starts to appear hollow. With dentures in place, the appearance of the face improves and the sagging is reversed.

This boosts self-confidence and individuals are able to carry on their day to day tasks with ease and confidence.

Taking Care of Dentures The Right Way

Now that we have understood the importance and need for dentures, let us take a look at how to take care of them.

Rinse Dentures After Eating

  • After eating food, remove the dentures and rinse them thoroughly. This will help you get rid of food particles and debris. The best way to clean dentures is to soak them in a glass of clean water for a while. Gently run a brush over them while ensuring that you don’t damage the clasps that hold them together.

Soak Dentures Overnight

Dentures require moisture to keep their shape intact. To ensure their shape, soak them in water or a denture solution every night. Let them remain soaked overnight. Read the instructions on the denture-soaking solution before performing this action.

Clean Dentures Properly

  • The denture-soaking solution is full of chemicals. Before putting them back on, make sure you thoroughly rinse and clean the dentures to get rid of the chemicals. Otherwise, it can cause vomiting and other issues.

This information has been brought to you by Celebrity Smiles and General Dentistry. They are located in Westmont, IL.

Are Dental Implants Safe for People Aged 40 and Above?

Considering dental implants? Are dental implants safe for people aged 40 and above?

Tooth loss happens due to multiple reasons. Some of which include decay, injury, or periodontal disease. Losing a tooth is a painful process with multiple consequences such as indigestion, difficulty in chewing, loss of jaw bone, and difficulty in smiling. To replace lost teeth with artificial ones, bridges, dentures, and dental implants are used.

Dental implants are the most modern and feasible options for substituting lost teeth. An implant is a surgical fixture that acts as a teeth substitute. It is fixed into the jawbone where it attaches itself to the jaw bone in a few months. The dental implant acts as a replacement for the lost tooth and performs chewing function very well.

A well-placed dental implant does not stand out and offers stability to the neighboring teeth. In general, people lose teeth and require dental implants after crossing a certain age limit. Let us see if dental implants are safe for people who are above the age of 40.

What Makes A Candidate Suitable for Receiving Dental Implants?

Dental implants are suitable options for people who have lost a couple of teeth or all of their teeth. A suitable candidate must fulfill the following criteria to receive his dental implants:

  • Have good health and there shouldn’t be any underlying medical complications.
  • Medical conditions such as diabetes, issues with blood clotting, cancer, weak immune system, and drug abuse make dental implant surgery more difficult. The general well-being of a candidate is very important.
  • Have good oral health i.e. the mouth should be free of decay or other periodontal diseases. If there are signs of underlying decay, plaque, or tartar then they need to be treated before installing dental implants.
  • Have good oral hygiene.
  • Nonsmokers are more preferred candidates for receiving dental implants. If you are a smoker, you will have to quit smoking for a while after receiving your dental implants. Smoking can delay the healing process and the harmful components present in cigarettes can damage the gum and jawbone where the implant has been placed.
  • While there is no upper limit for getting dental implants, young adults below the age of 18 are not considered ideal candidates for dental implants. Reason being that their bone tissue hasn’t developed completely and the jaw is in the process of growing.

Suitability of Dental Implants for People Above the Age of 40

  • In light of the above facts, it is safe to say that dental implants are safe for people above the age of 40. There is a common perception that age is the most decisive factor when it comes to dental implants. However, age is not relevant when considering receiving dental implants.

A man in his 50’s maybe more suitable for receiving dental implants than someone in his 30s. Good overall health, dental hygiene, and lack of medical complications are important factors to consider when opting for receiving dental implants.

Dental Implants Vs Dentures for Elders

  • A few years ago, dentures were the popular choice for teeth replacement for elders. Dentures come with their own set of cons such as discomfort and not providing enough stimulation to the bone which eventually resulted in the loss of jaw bone. The advancement in technology has brought dental implants to the surface.

They offer greater convenience, are able to stimulate the jawbone, and offer a permanent solution to the tooth loss problem. Between implants and dentures, the former is the clear winner.

This information has been brought to you by Celebrity Smiles and General Dentistry. Their offices are located in Westmont, IL.